To date we have manufactured 232 Boat Hulls and counting. We have the experience, manufacturing expertise and access to the materials to build quality composite parts. Combine this with strategic relationships with some of the world’s leading composite structure design firms and a solid supply chain and you will have your part in a timely manner. If you have a need for a composite part prototype, one-off, short term or long term production, BVC can be your one-stop shop.
In-House Processes Include

- Vacuum Infusion (VIP)
- Open Molding
- Prepreg
Composite Fiber/Resin Systems Experience

- Polyester Resins
- Vinyl Ester Resins
- Epoxy Resins
- Gel Coats
- E-Glass Reinforcements
- Carbon Fiber Reinforcements
- Aramid Fiber Reinforcement
- Cores